Trees are an integral part of the Sons of the Forest game. They are used to getting wood to make a variety of objects and tools, including walls to keep your safe camp and firewood that you can burn to maintain a heat and light source.
However, there are so many trees in the forest field of the game, and if you are like most players, you will have wondered: Do the trees grow again in Sons of the Forest? Fortunately, we have an answer for you.
Do the trees grow again in Sons of the Forest?
Answered The good news is that trees grow again in Sons of the Forest. However, there are some traps that must take into account.
To begin with, the trees will not grow again in the same place where you cut them. Instead, new offspring will appear and will begin to grow around them, reaching their full size after a certain amount of time has passed. You can make time playing normally and allowing the day and night cycles of the title to be activated several times. This in turn means that trees will never grow again from the stumps of the trees that it has already cut. As such, we strongly recommend dismantling the stumps with an ax to further clear the area and provide more space for young trees to grow.
What is the best place to cut and grow trees?
With these factors in mind, there are certain areas that are better to cut down trees to grow again in Sons of the Forest. In general, he will want to prioritize the felling of trees and cleaning his stumps in densely wooded areas. If he does, he will ensure that as many young trees as possible to grow again and remain concentrated in a unique place to return when he needs more wood. There are several locations in the game that fit this description, so choose and prepare to create a renewable source of resources for your game. That is all we have to share with respect to whether the trees grow again in Sons of the Forest. To get more information about the game, we have a wide range of related articles that can be consulted below. Related Posts Where to find a winter jacket in Sons of the Forest How to Figure Virginia Glitch in Sons of The Forest How to access the commands and tricks of the Sons of the Forest console Where to find the blade in Sons of the Forest How to make technological armor in Sons of the Forest
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