The new Digimon Game Digimon Survive is a survival tactic game in the Digimon universe. Overall, a rather gloomy and adult sound will strike and probably appear until 2022. What is Digimon Survive? Digimon Survive will play after Games like Digimon Super Rumble another game in the Digimon universe. But the game will be a rather gloomy sound appealing rather for adult fans of the franchise. Even the anime style trailer shows scary scenes where red-eyed covers lurking in the forest. The game itself looks a bit like the tactic RPG games Fire Emblem and Final Fantasy Tactics. So you fight with your recoverable Digimon biestern in round-based tactics fighting against other covers. At least this point in common with Digimon Super Rumble and its lap-based combat system. The story revolves around a group of teenagers who have to get lost in another world full of strange beings and find out. There will be several options and ends, including "bad ends" that you can see if you