Call of Duty: Vanguard is finally there and the multiplayer mode is packed with playlists that the players can enjoy. Such a playlist is the Western Front Playlist containing only maps that play at the West Front of War. The Vanguard campaign and its range of multiplayer cards include the entire globe and lead the players to Germany, Japan, North Africa and several other exotic places. Vanguard has a lot of cards, but which ones are included in the West Front Playlist and what are missing?
Call of Duty: Vanguard Western Front Cards
There are 16 standard multiplayer cards in the game, of which only 6 play at the West Front. These are all cards included in the West Front Playlist of Call of Duty: Vanguard.
Became bait Hazlehurst Hotel Royal Subs tints The House
This playlist contains a third of the cards in the game. Players will miss cards like Red Star and Castle, but they can still experience some places of Vanguard in this playlist.
This playlist contains outstanding cards like Hotel Royal and the house, so there is a lot to love. Some players would even say that the Western Front Playlist contains some of the best cards of Vanguard, so some players could choose them instead of standard speed play selection.
The Western Front Playlist is also a great change when you feel like getting the same cards in your multiplayer matches. If you have Numa, Red Star, Oasis and other similar cards, this playlist will show you the other parts of the card collection.
Vanguard Western front game modes
This playlist contains three game modes, each of which is listed below.
Team Deathwatch rule patrolling
Unfortunately, you can not select your favorite game modes in this playlist as in Quick Play. Instead, they stay with these three modes. Most players will not have a problem with Team Deathwatch or Domination, but some players would rather skip Patrol when they have the choice.
Call of Duty: Vintage is now available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X | S.
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